Want to become the Best version of
yourself In All Areas Of Life?

international best selling book shows how to transform into the warrior you are meant to be, 1% at a time

Unlocking Your Potential
Changing Your Life For Good…”

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Over the years, in my time in law enforcement and the military,

I’ve learned that my purpose is to serve others, helping them grow 1% every day, inspiring them to Fulfil their purpose and passion.

From: Dennis Stoika

If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years, it’s that life can be out of control and random. 

Maybe we know more or less in which direction we’d like to go but fall short on the action plan on how to achieve our goals.

People tend to find it difficult to achieve success because they are unable to create their own disciplined regimen on their own. 

This is exactly why it has become my objective to help people find their purpose, passion, and principles to allow them to transform their lives one day at a time, 1% at a time…

...to become the 1% warrior I know everyone has inside of them. 

Maybe you are someone who is a successful person but now you are looking to unleash greater levels of productivity and performance…

...you want to build your company taking it to new, unprecedented heights while still bringing balance to all aspects of your life.

Or maybe you are an entrepreneur or high-earning individual but are finding it challenging to streamline your life when it comes to health, relationships, and more.

Over the years, through my field training and passion for growth,

the 1% warrior mindset was born...

You see, it’s absolutely possible to work on a system for you individually that helps you take control of every aspect of your life like…

Fitness, diet, daily routines, and weekly schedules…

...to create a purpose-driven lifestyle that fulfills you.

Thus by combining my years of experience & my passion for helping 

People Transform Into Their 1% Warrior...

The 1% Warrior book is there to show you exactly what you need to be doing to embrace your 1% warrior, one day at a time. 

Whatever your objective is, whoever you are…

...there is a 1% warrior inside of us all.

We just need to unleash it!

Inside you are going to learn a step-by-step mindset change as well as how to adopt the skills you will discover in the book.

Here Are A Few Of The Things
You'll Discover!

  • Growth: Why improving yourself as a human being is not only important but VITAL to becoming the best version of yourself. Remember that growth is best when the growth is intentional. We will thus focus on providing you with tools like focus plans to help you reach the state of intentional growth.
  • Integrated Warrior Training Plan: We will cover the importance of goals and goal setting as well as practical steps you should be taking to achieve the goals you’ve set out. It’s not just about planning but following through with your plan.
  • Strategies, tools & practices: Discover hands-on ways to introduce daily rituals, box-breathing, mediation, visualization, and more into your everyday life.
  • The Modern Era Warrior Mindset: An introduction into another aspect known as reality-based self-defense as well as grappling, striking, and firearms and shooting. 
  • Functional Fitness & Nutrition: We take a look at the other side of your transformation by looking at how to adopt a nutritarian lifestyle. (trust me, it matters and makes a difference more than you may realize)
  • Never Go At It Alone: Why coaches, mentors, and communities are vital when it comes to your transformation and sustaining the new lifestyle for long-term positive results. 
  • Leadership: The importance of what it takes to be a leader and why it matters when it comes to becoming the 1% warrior. 
  • ​Legacy: Finally, the value and importance of evaluating what your life means and what you are leaving behind for others. 
PLUS each chapter ends with short exercises for you to put into practice what you are learning in theory.


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 Dennis has been my coach, mentor, and trainer. He has worked hard to develop his purpose, passion, principles, and is constantly working to challenge and improve himself. His mantra is 1% better every day in every way, and he lives that. He's passionate about his training and coaching of others and it shows. He's a role model for everyone around him, which encourages all of us to strive to improve and meet goals and challenges. He challenges everyone to be the best version of themselves”
- Sheila Surdu

You See, 1% Warrior Is Already Helping People Around The World, The Question Is, 

Are You Ready To Transform Into Your Best Self?


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And in case you're wondering...

There’s NO CATCH!

I know there are some places out there that offer you something interesting, only to get you signed up into something that lands up charging you every month.

This isn't one of them.

We haven’t got any hidden program and in case you are asking but then why do this at all?

My purpose in life is to help as many people discover their 1% warrior so that they can go on to live fulfilled lives that are driven with purpose and happiness.

This book is one of the ways I get to say thank you and give back from the lifetime of experience I have been able to draw on.

Being safe and having the right mindset to live your best life is one of the best weapons you can teach yourself as well as how you can achieve a sense of satisfaction and purpose in your life. 

BUT Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

There is only a limited amount of hard copies. 

Once they are finished, they’re gone. 

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. 

But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

And Lastly, Here Is My "You're Insane" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book and draw incredible, helpful ways to change your life as long as you follow exactly what we explain to do and you are willing to put in the work required.

Sound good?


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