Do you want to unlock your true potential with accelerated vertical growth by growing yourself 1% better every day in every way; keep your body, mind, and spirit balanced; and at the same time get fit and learn how to defend yourself and others from any violent situation?
Modern Era Warriors 
University Online is America's #1 
Integrated Warrior Training

One membership, home to an ever-expanding library of: 
  • Reality Based Self-Defense,
  • Grappling and Striking, 
  • ​Firearms and Shooting, 
  • ​Functional Fitness and Nutrition, 
  • ​Yoga and Pilates, 
  • ​Performance Coaching, and
  • ​so much more! 
Train hard, train smart, train safe, train real, and train for life anytime, anywhere!
unlock An Unmatchable Resource When It Comes To Living The Life You Always Dreamed When You Join The Modern Era Warriors University Online
The Modern Era Warriors University Online is the ultimate support system of accelerated vertical growth that teaches you proven strategies, tools, and practices to grow yourself 1% better every day in every way with skills and techniques for you to... 
  • live an examined life; 
  • understand your why - purpose, passion, and principles connecting small daily actions to this; 
  • develop mental and emotional control; 
  • challenge yourself; 
  • ​fail forward fast; 
  • ​take massive action; 
  • ​selecting targets and goals; 
  • keeping things simple; 
  • ​and never quitting!  
Get Instant Access Today & 
Claim Your 14-Day FREE trial. 
No Special Training Needed.
Anyone Can Join And Everyone Needs It
Welcome To
Modern Era Warriors University Online
Something I feel is important for you to understand is online support systems may not be for everyone. I am not trying to put you off or scare you, but rather help you in the best possible way.   

To achieve a holistic progression of accelerated vertical development of the whole person, it’s all about having the right attitude about how you approach the support and guidance we offer you in the Modern Era Warrior online community. 

Basically, what I mean is you need to be intentional to grow, invest in yourself, and take massive action on a path toward self-mastery to change your life and achieve the outcomes and results you desire. 

And, it also means not having certain preconceived notions, and negative and limiting beliefs about how you look, how you feel, not having balance in your relationships, and not growing your business, career, or finances while on this journey. 

There is a big difference between adopting a proven system, the next shiny thing, or a quick fix. I’m here to help you adopt the right pathway to permanent positive outcomes and results you desire if you commit to yourself and are ready to be coached. 

If you are an action taker and are ready now, I want to ask you a few questions first…
Do you ever feel out of control or that you are spiraling out of control?
  • Are you living an unhealthy lifestyle and do you have habits leading to disease?
  • Do you have stress, anxiety, or depression? 
  • ​Are you unable to create memorable events, share moments, and spend quality time because you are always exhausted, have low or no energy, lack a sex drive, and lack self-worth, confidence, and/or respect? 
Do you feel broken, trapped in someone else’s body, and tried everything, but nothing has worked?
  • Do you feel like you can no longer go on lacking purpose, passion, and principles?
  • Are you no longer happy, satisfied, fulfilled, and/or growing?
  • ​Do you feel like this is not me, this is not who I used to be, this is not who I want to be, or this is not who I am capable of being? 
How much will it cost you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and with my relationships, money, income, etc. if you don’t grow?
  • How much is doing what you are doing or doing nothing costing you right now? What is it costing you right now?
  • ​How much is doing what you are doing or doing nothing already cost cumulatively in the past thus far?
  • ​How much will it cost you by not taking action and not fixing yourself now?
If you are looking for the right mix of unmatchable resources, guided training, and a community that you can relate to, then you’re in the right place. 
So let me ask you...
If you are looking for the right mix of unmatchable resources, guided training, and a community that you can relate to, then you’re in the right place. 
You see, it does not have to be a struggle to lead a growth lifestyle and you don’t have to repeat the vicious cycle of feeling like you are letting yourself down everytime you aren’t able to keep up. And you also don’t have to feel like just another ‘number’ or client who mindlessly follows routines or the average online program.

You see there are a lot of places out there today that are not really interested in creating a long-term relationship for you to achieve your body, being, relationships, and business, career, or financial goals and objectives. 

They’re happy for you to sign up to whatever miracle programs they are offering only to leave you hanging out to dry to fend for yourself with no support, help, or guidance. 

The thing is, we like to do things quite differently to this. 
So what makes the 
Modern Era Warriors 
community different then?
Before I go on about the Modern Era Warriors university online membership, here are a few stories from other members regarding how Modern Era Warriors has helped them achieve the outcomes and results they desire.  
Dennis Stoika's program is awesome, and you can't find a more concerned instructor anywhere! Dennis genuinely cares about your personal fitness goals, and his years of teaching krav maga shows as he effectively teaches you the techniques. He is patient yet encouraging even when you are frustrated with yourself or your own progress. If you commit to the classes and yourself, you will undoubtedly receive value for what you pay. He regularly introduces limited-time challenges and specialty programs to change up your routine or help "jump-start" your fitness activities. I strongly recommend that you try a class or two of Commando Krav Maga with Dennis to experience an intense workout, and learn some uniquely simple and effective self-defense techniques.  
5 Star Instructor! He told me on the first day that I took his class he could change my life if I did not quit. He pushes you to your limit. I've lost a lot of weight over the past 2 years and he has not only changed my life but given me my life back to me. 
I took the 6 Week Self-Defense and Fitness Challenge and loved it! Dennis is a great instructor and made the class fun, yet challenging. I learned a lot about myself in addition to throwing a proper punch and so much more. In just 6 weeks, I feel much more aware of my surroundings and more confident if I were ever in a situation. Some of the most important techniques I learned from his course were some of the easiest - learning pressure points, blading and deflecting, and footing and balance awareness. I would highly recommend the Woman’s Commando Krav Maga course to any female who wants to learn how to protect themselves or just learn how to kick some butt.
I took the Memorial Day weekend 24 Hour Self-Defense Challenge, and I have to say it pushed me hard and I enjoyed every minute of it. The other students were very helpful and professional. I had a great time and met some great people. Thanks to the Instructor Dennis Stoika. I would highly recommend this life-changing experience.
The Modern Era Warriors
 University Online 
A comprehensive online resource designed to give you everything you need when you need it. I’m talking about one membership, home to an ever-expanding library of:  
  • Reality Based Self-Defense, 
  • Grappling and Striking, 
  • Firearms and Shooting, 
  • Functional Fitness and Nutrition, 
  • Yoga and Pilates, 
  • Performance Coaching, and 
  • so much more! 
Train hard, train smart, train safe, train real, and train for life anytime, anywhere!

Reality-Based Self-Defense  

Programs to teach you the skills and techniques you need to stay safe in all kinds of violent situations!

Grappling and Striking 

Top 100 plus Reality Based Grappling and Striking Techniques!  

Firearms and Shooting, and Crime Prevention 

Basic Pistol, Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home, and more! 

Functional Fitness and Nutrition

Get maximum results with minimal equipment, in minimum time, and increasing high-nutrient foods in your diet and eliminating unhealthful, low-nutrient foods. 

Yoga & Pilates 

A lifestyle of yoga asanas and sequences, functional conditioning, combat conditioning, breath, meditation, concentration, and visualization.  

Performance Coaching

Develop your potential and accelerate your inner warrior!  
Get Instant Access Today & 
Claim Your 14-Day FREE trial. 
No Special Training Needed.
Anyone Can Join And Everyone Needs It
Hi, I’m Dennis Stoika
I’m a career FBI supervisory special agent, police officer, and  United States marine; expert in reality based self-defense, grappling and striking, firearms and shooting, and functional fitness and nutrition; coach, trainer, speaker, and facilitator; and best selling author of The 1% Warrior!

I am also the founder of Modern Era Warriors and have been sharing my knowledge and experiences with others for decades.  

I have had the chance to actively help many people break through their personal barriers and live “The 1% Warrior Lifestyle!”  
Learn How To Develop Your Potential And Accelerate Your Inner Warrior…

AND...Learn What It Takes To Keep Yourself And Your Loved Ones Safe And Never Feel Scared Again!
Here’s Exactly What You Get When You Join The Modern Era Warriors University Online:
  • One membership site, home to an ever-expanding library of :​
  • Reality Based Self-Defense,
    Grappling and Striking,
    Firearms and Shooting,
    Functional Fitness and Nutrition,
    Yoga and Pilates,
    Performance Coaching
  • Online support when you need it from a community of like minded people just like you to keep you accountable, motivate you, and always bring out the best in you!

  • Guidance and support from a professional, expert, and leader who is there to guide you on your path towards self-mastery! 

  • PLUS so much more so you can train hard, train smart, train safe, train real, and train for life anytime, anywhere!
Claim Your 14-day FREE Trial!
Learn what it takes to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and never feel scared again!
Do You Have Questions?
What makes the membership program unique?
We are one membership site, home to an ever-expanding library of America’s #1 Integrated Warrior Training: Reality Based Self-Defense, Grappling and Striking, Firearms and Shooting, Functional Fitness and Nutrition, Yoga and Pilates, Performance Coaching, and so much more so you can train hard, train smart, train safe, train real, and train for life anytime, anywhere!
Why should I join?
Joining allows you access to America’s #1 Integrated Warrior Training, accelerated vertical development of the whole person to grow yourself 1% better every day in every way on a path toward self-mastery. 
What are the gender and average age of those taking part in the challenges?
We have trained men and women between 12-80 plus years of age; however, our typical students are 20 - 60 years of age.
Do I have to have any prior experience?
People who have joined us come from all walks of life, with or without experience. It is most important students come with an open mind, are ready to adapt to new concepts and principles, and be passionate about sharing their knowledge with others.
What do I need to get started? 
A positive attitude gradually purchasing optional small self-defense and fitness equipment to include a training handgun and knife, kettlebell, sandbag, yoga mat, meditation bench, etc.      
What if I miss a class or a week?
No worries, train anytime and anywhere. The content is self paced allowing you to come back as often as you like.
Claim Your 14-Day Free Trial
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